Saturday, July 19, 2008

They'll Always Be Your Baby

It's funny, my 20 year old daughter often reminds me she doesn't need my help, advice, input, etc, as you see she is 20, of which I am constantly reminded. Well this week she got sick, a nasty virus, high fever, vomiting, fever blisters, the whole nine yards. Suddenly, this very independent, strong, vital woman needed her mommy, big time. I feel kind of guilty saying this, but, it felt good, she still needs me and we all want to feel needed. I took her to the doctor and kept watch on her fever, wiped her forehead with cold compresses and made sure she kept hydrated and I did not mind one bit.

Don't get me wrong, I know she's becoming an adult and the day will come when she can take care of herself, probably sooner than later, but it felt good to be the mommy again, which I haven't experienced for quite some time. I feel the apron strings letting go and I know I am trying my best to let them go as needed, but they will always be my babies no matter how old they are.

It's Crazy Isn't It?

Jay Jay

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About Me

I'm a 40 something year old mother, married with two almost adult children. Life is good.