Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Family Needs Your Prayers

I don't profess to be particularly religious, although I was brought up in the Catholic Church and went to mass as often as my parents sent me, but in the last week I have probably said more prayers than the last 10 years combined. I am one of ten children, 7 boys and 3 girls and I am the youngest. We are a very tight knit group and since both of our parents have passed, my dad when I was a teenager and my mom a little over a year ago, we have needed each other even more than in the past.

Just last week, on Friday morning, my brother who is the oldest had a very serious stroke. It was actually a hemorrhagic stroke and the bleeding was in the middle of his brain. He is not in very good shape right now but we are hoping for the best. He is not really responding to any stimuli and we are not sure how much he can comprehend. Now this is a man who lived a very healthy lifestyle, working out 3 times per week and eating a healthy diet and was very active and vibrant, but I guess you just never know what life can throw at you. Anyway he is a bit of father figure to me as well, since my own dad died when I was young and my brother is just about 20 years older than me, so needless to say him and I have always been close. So what I'm asking is if anyone has any extra prayers or would like to take a minute and offer one up, we're taking. We could really use them.

It's Crazy Isn't It?



cheatymoon said...

Thinking of you and your family and sending whatever positive energy I can your way.

Pseudo said...

I will be putting you, your family, and especially your brother in my prayers.

Jay Jay said...

Thank you both. We can sure use it.


Jack said...

It certainly puts life into perspective, doesn't it? My thoughts and prayers have been with him and you all this week.

Jack said...

JayJay, I have something for ya over at my place... Come visit :)

Pseudo said...

Hope your brother is doing better Jay Jay. Come over to my blog, I have something for you.

LarryG said...

oh how things change!
i hope time has begun to heal the wounds of this experience.
saying a prayer ---

Jack said...

Jay Jay, we miss you... please come back and up-date :)

The Ocean Speaks

The Ocean Speaks

About Me

I'm a 40 something year old mother, married with two almost adult children. Life is good.